Monday, August 25, 2008

If the Deli's Out of Stella, Settle for Corona

M is for Monday is for Mp3

This morning I post on the Unofficial Last Monday of the Summer. What better way to wrap it up than with a song that, to me, is the epitome of Summer 08?  While it wasn't the tune playing in every bar, taxi, and deli . . . it probably should have been.  In fact, Neighbor J (who introduced the song to me ), even lobbied a local radio station to make it the No. 1 tune of Summer '08.  Unfortunately, due to some politics with Little Jackie's record label not releasing this song as a single, the dream was lost . . . but not forgotten.

I actually got to see her perform this song live at Summer Stage in Central Park.  It was, without question, the hi-lite of her very short set. So friends, without further hesitation, go ahead and check it out. No doubt, it's a little bubble-gum(ish), but it's just so damn catchy.

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