Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Getting Baked Without
Having to Call Your Dealer

Wednesday: What I've Been Eating, Drinking, Craving, Etc.

This summer has been choc full of splendid bike ride adventures through Red Hook. The conclusion of this past Saturday's adventure, however, has taken the cake. Taken the cake both literally and metaphorically, that is. After reading about it, hearing about it, and cruising by it, I finally made my way across the threshold of Baked.

I could sit here and attempt to review it, but really, there's no need. The place rocks. The atmosphere is chill. The staff is friendly. And the sweets . . . oh God . . . the sweets. Get on your feet, your bike, your roommate's bike, your Vespa, the IKEA Shuttle, whatever . . . and check it for yourself.  

P.S. One of the guys who started this place is also the guy who started Chocolate Bar in the city. They recently moved locations from the West Village to the East Village. You may want to check that too.

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