Friday, August 8, 2008

Gorgeous Gotham

Friday is for Favorite Things

A friend recently asked me what my favorite font was.  The answer to this question changes about as often as my bangs do.  At present, however, I have a steadfast and unwavering answer to this question. This week (at least), my favorite font is Gotham. All caps? Bring it. Letter-spacing so open you could drive a truck between the characters? Oh my!  In different sizes, treatments, styles, and contexts, this font can take on so many different feels.  It's so clean and so understated.  It also may happen to be the font used in the header of the blog you may be reading right now. Ahem.

Forget my little sketches and doodles though.  There's one specific place Americans have been seeing lots and lots of Gotham these days:

Preach on, Barack. Preach on.

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